352 Miles today to Elk Island National Park. 53.40 N, 112.49 W 78 F when we arrived, 56 F when we left
So yesterday we stopped at the Skatchewan Northern Prairie Museum and Leo spent time in the parking lot checking out prairie dog holes. He wanted to dig them all up. When we got to Elk Island Park last night we barely had time to cook dinner, clean up and rig the tarp before some big thunderstorms hit. My kimchi tent held up well and we stayed warm and dry. Bison sausage was great - Leo enjoyed some too. I'll get it again if I can. We saw some active beaver dams on our way into the park. The place is full of wildlife. Beautiful redwinged blackbirds and a large black bird with white wingtips. I'll have to look that one up. We heard coyotes during the night as well as loons in the lake. We got up early and went walkin. We found a great area where Leo could run off of the leash (not supposed to because of the game) Well, we headed that way and sure enough there was a pack of coyotes wandering across and yipping. Leo wanted to go pretend it was a dog show and he was very disappointed when I put him on the leash and cut the walk short. I tried to take a pictire - just way too foggy from the storm. Then this am leaving the park, we drove through a herd of buffalo with their calves. See pics. Leo had to bark at all of them and I though one momma might charge us.
We did not see any elk in the park itself, but on Hwy 16 headed toward Edmonton, we saw two grazing by yhe fence. Camera was not ready - oops.
Headed for Grande Prairie. Probably look for an oil change tomorrow as well.
This retirement thing is not too bad!!
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