July 2nd
Today did not look much more promising. Bought gas at Ft. Nelson for $1.20 / liter ($4.80/ gal) Then again at Muncho Lake - $1.79 / liter – fortunately I did not need much, this was insurance gas. Muncho lake is pretty. Too bad it was wet. Long & skinny fed from snow melt washes off of the mountains. . Very rocky – (Is that why they call these the “Rockies”?) Speaking of the rockies, they have a big problem with rock slides out here. If you ever make this trip and you see warning signs – beware. Depending on the side of the road you and the mountain are on, you could find yourself dancing over a sharp rock. I drove in the left lane for a fair time. They have road crews operating snow shovels to clear the rocks out of the travel lanes.
And the wildlife is amazing. More Buffalo today – see pics, a Pronghorn Sheep – see pic a moose – no pis, more bear – I got a pic of his rear end but his front half is a squished mosquito. And three elk. Weather cleared up and so did our morale. Got into Yukon and sun was breaking thru. A little spurt of rain around Watson Lake – but not bad now. It was 6:00 EDT when we stopped here at Rancheria – very pretty little park with a swift mountain stream. It is hard to keep moron dog from flushing himself all the way to Missouri
So, to bed early – hard to do when the sun shines until midnight and rises about 4:00 am. Maybe hit the Alaska Border tomorrow but I understand Whitehorse has a Starbucks, a WalMart and a McDonalds.
Rancheria Falls – 59 Degrees – partly sunny. Few skeets – very pleasant. 60.04 N, 130.49 W, Yukon Territory. Approx 130 miles to Whitehorse.
Great pictures.