So, as usual, up early and ready to go at 7:00 am local time. Leo woke up around 3:30 am and started barking and growling at something - took me a while to settle him down. I did not hear anything, so I went back to sleep.
Well, we got to the Ferry Terminal to take the boat to Skagway and found out that it only runs once a day and it does not run until 7:30 t0night. $72.00 for a one hour ferry ride. They charge for me and the vehicle, Leo is listed as a passenger on the manifest. Apparently some time ago, one of the ferries sank and they had problems identifying the pets. Hmm - am I sure I want to go on this boat?
So, anyway, we have a lot of time to kill. That's fine. We went in to town and I purchased one of those $6.00 showers and did laundry. Chicken fried steak, Hash Browns and two eggs over easy for breakfast. Living large!!
But found out that because the salmon are running in these costal towns, the bears are really active. Apparently one was spotted in town a couple of days ago. So, maybe Leo had reason to bark.
They said same thing was going on in Skagway with the bears. I had hoped to be above Skagway tonight - but not so sure now. We'll see what happens.
So, a few more shots of Mud Bay - close to the park whare we stayed last night, Haines Harbor and the Holland America cruise ship that landed today.
May be a few days before the next post. I plan to breeze through Whitehorse and down onto the Cassier Road into Western BC. Not a lot of big towns on the way.
Additional 9:00 pm EDT
Leo and I went out to the Chillkoot River to find the park and a place for him to run. On the way, there were people taking pictures - sure enough, it was a grizzly bear - pics attached. He saw it and barked - good thing we were on opposite sides of the river. Later on we saw momma and two cubs. On the way back into town, Leo had to play in the Haines inlet and get wet. Yes, Leo the water is still cold!
GREAT pics the last few days, Sandy. Glad to hear you are going to make it to Vancouver. The whole city is awesome, but if you can, be sure to spend some time in Stanley Park. I didn't make it to Granville Island, but I hear it's very nice too. Have fun!