Part 2 of July 4th – Top of the World Highway from Dawson City to Chicken AK
90 miles of dirt, gravel and some asphalt. 4000 feet in elevation in some spots. No shoulders, no guard rails and drop offs that of you dropped a wheel, you and your car would roll downhill nonstop for about ¾ of a mile. No cell phone service, no AAA, no state cops. In short, have a nice life.
But, absolutely som of the most magnificent scenery I have seen on the trip so far. I almost passed this up because some folks said the road was too rough. They were right – the road was too rough – but I would not have missed it for the world. The few pics don’t do it justice. One good thing on the road – everyone is your friend. I ran across a German couple in a rented motorhome. They had a flat and a spare but no jack or tools to get the flat tire off or the spare off of the mount. Another guy in a Ram pickup provided the jack, I had the wrench to remove the spare. Leo got weinerschnitzel.
Going through customs was a hoot. These guys really have fun with tourists like me. No issues with Leo, paperwork etc.
Then the road went from bad to really bad. The American side is all dirt – not gravel or asphalt – and it started to really rain hard and get greasy. Yes, there were a few moments where I felt a little vertigo. So, to calm down, I stopped , had a few of my remaining Yeunglings and hit the gas.
I stopped in Boundary AK – that’s where the Cabin with the grass roof is. He charged me $3.00 for a cup of coffee. Gas was $6.00 / gal. Then on to Chicken. Raining hard there too – a bit of a rip-off town. Gold is still big there – see the dredge.
Finally got to Hwy 2 at Tok River and got cell phone service and gas. Now here at Gerstle River Picnic Area – not really a campground, but the price is right. More on “free” camping later.
424.0 miles today, 63.49 N, 114.56 W. By the way, Sirius fades above 64 Degrees N
Now it sounds like an adventure.