Left Tyhee at 7:20 this am. Took a little longer because they have some great showers. Felt good. It was 49 last night – good sleeping weather. Although it eventually warmed to 79 – hot for Leo and I and we had to put on the AC.
On the Trans-Canada Highway, Yellowhead Highway, Route 16. Good road but there are still some stretches where you can go over 100 miles without a gas station. This is a very pleasant area. Weather has been great and overall it looks like a slightly drier climate. This is the foothills of the Rockies. Lots of big cattle farms, they are harvesting the hay now. Also, a lot of logging. Saw several big logging / sawmill / kiln operations today. If you ever wondered where your 2 x 4s come from – this is it.
This is a very nice area – clean, prosperous and people are friendly. Prince George is a nice large town / small city. Had a Starbucks and updated the blog there.
Still, this is the big sky west. The views are still spectacular and I’ve included a couple of pics of shots from the highway – beautiful. Tonight we are at Mt. Robson Provincial Park about ready to go into Jasper then down to Lake Louise tomorrow. Mt Robson – see pic – is the highest point in the Canadian Rockies at 12,972 ft. So now you can impress your friends with that piece of trivia. Park is crowded – but it is Saturday night and every RV in the world decided to follow me around Alaska this year.
411.1 miles today, 53.02 N, 119.14 W
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